I think I figured out what I want to do when I grow up...drum roll please...I want to be a therapist! I've been throwing around a couple ideas for some time now, namely nursing and teaching, but I think I ruled both of those out and am going to get my Master's in Social Work. So, the whole nursing thing still sounds cool to me, but I think it comes down to the strength of my stomach, and I just don't have it. Blood, guts, etc. give me the heebie jeebies and I can't do it. As far as teaching goes I think that working in a classroom of 30 ankle biters will burn me out faster than sitting in a cube for a giant corporation. I'm a helper by nature, and until very recently I couldn't figure out what other kind of helping positions were out there. I'm pretty excited about it!
I've looked into CSU and DU's programs, and although DU's sounds awesome I think the price is just too high. CSU's program is two years, and sounds great too. Icing on the cake: I don't have to take the GRE...woohoo!!! The downside for all of these programs is that I can't get started until fall of 2011. At the risk of stating the obvious, that is a long time from now! I do need to get 450 hours of volunteer work out of the way before I can apply to the program so a start date of 2011 will allow me plenty of time to get that done.
I think I'm most interested in doing family counseling, though, a school social worker sounds interesting too. I am definitely not interested in agency social work. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! Anyway, I have time to figure it all out. Ahhhhh, purpose, what a great feeling!
Yeah!!!! I am so glad that you have narrowed it down! Now comes the time to get experience to decide where you want to go:)