Friday, June 10, 2011

Potty Training: Hr. 3

After several incidents of poopy bottoms dragging on crib sheets and carpet and many more incidents of diaper removal followed by peeing on the carpet, hard wood, dining room table, cribs, Daddy's recliner (you fill in the blank, they've pissed just about everywhere), I decided it is time. Woah. Pottery training may be the most difficult thing I've done with the girls since they've been born.

It is hour three. Feels like we've been at it for a week. Ughh! Ava is doing awesome: peed in her potty at least ten times this morning (really pushing the juice today) AND pooped too! Still three accidents on the floor, but all in all a solid performance! Sophie, oh Sophie. She dribbled in the potty about 15 different times, I'm talking one or two drops. And, she had giant pees, think man who just finished a six pack, in every other room of the house. No really, Sophie marked her territory in every single room downstairs in the three hours we've been working on this. In and of itself VERY frustrating, but what kills me is that she is so capable of doing this, she is choosing not to.

I just laid them down for their nap in pull ups. Hopefully this afternoon we'll have a breakthrough with Soph. Fingers crossed!

I welcome any suggestions you may have.

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