Saturday, June 11, 2011

Potty Training: Day 2

Today has gone MUCH better! We had the breakthrough with Sophie that I was hoping for. Ava is still on point too. Two questions have come up since yesterday though.

The first is about nap time. What am I supposed to do, pull ups, big girl underwear? Yesterday I did pull ups and it worked well. Both kids left them on and slept. Woohoo! Today went a little differently. I just poked my head in and Ava was awake and naked from the waist down. I decided that I wasn't going to fight her about keeping the pull ups on so she is going commando! This leaves me more than a little nervous as I know I will likely have a wet surprise waiting for me when she wakes up. What to do, what to do?

The second question I have is about bed time. At what point do I need to cut off liquids to ensure a dry diaper in the morning? I realize I've done this a little backwards in that many people don't even begin potty training until their child wakes up with a dry diaper. Due to the diaper removal issues we've been having I had to pull the trigger, so I guess I'll just figure it out as I go. Please, please send me your thoughts!

Overall, day two has proven to be much easier than yesterday...Thank God! I was ready to give up yesterday. More to come...

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