Monday, June 13, 2011

Potty Trained!

I can officially say that the girls are potty trained! Well, for the most part anyway! No accidents in two days. They still wear pull ups for nap and bed but otherwise are potty going experts. So proud of them! Now the tricky part, leaving the house and getting back into our everyday activities.

We went to Target this accidents. We went to the park as accidents. I think today and tomorrow I'm going to focus on quick outings so the girls can get used to being potty trained while outside of their comfort zone. Hope it goes well!

Such a relief! And the best part of it all is that I will never have to buy another box of diapers, that is until #3 comes along, but I'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Potty Training: Day 2

Today has gone MUCH better! We had the breakthrough with Sophie that I was hoping for. Ava is still on point too. Two questions have come up since yesterday though.

The first is about nap time. What am I supposed to do, pull ups, big girl underwear? Yesterday I did pull ups and it worked well. Both kids left them on and slept. Woohoo! Today went a little differently. I just poked my head in and Ava was awake and naked from the waist down. I decided that I wasn't going to fight her about keeping the pull ups on so she is going commando! This leaves me more than a little nervous as I know I will likely have a wet surprise waiting for me when she wakes up. What to do, what to do?

The second question I have is about bed time. At what point do I need to cut off liquids to ensure a dry diaper in the morning? I realize I've done this a little backwards in that many people don't even begin potty training until their child wakes up with a dry diaper. Due to the diaper removal issues we've been having I had to pull the trigger, so I guess I'll just figure it out as I go. Please, please send me your thoughts!

Overall, day two has proven to be much easier than yesterday...Thank God! I was ready to give up yesterday. More to come...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Potty Training: Hr. 3

After several incidents of poopy bottoms dragging on crib sheets and carpet and many more incidents of diaper removal followed by peeing on the carpet, hard wood, dining room table, cribs, Daddy's recliner (you fill in the blank, they've pissed just about everywhere), I decided it is time. Woah. Pottery training may be the most difficult thing I've done with the girls since they've been born.

It is hour three. Feels like we've been at it for a week. Ughh! Ava is doing awesome: peed in her potty at least ten times this morning (really pushing the juice today) AND pooped too! Still three accidents on the floor, but all in all a solid performance! Sophie, oh Sophie. She dribbled in the potty about 15 different times, I'm talking one or two drops. And, she had giant pees, think man who just finished a six pack, in every other room of the house. No really, Sophie marked her territory in every single room downstairs in the three hours we've been working on this. In and of itself VERY frustrating, but what kills me is that she is so capable of doing this, she is choosing not to.

I just laid them down for their nap in pull ups. Hopefully this afternoon we'll have a breakthrough with Soph. Fingers crossed!

I welcome any suggestions you may have.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I LOVE White Cabinets!

Most of the time I am consumed by some sort of interior design dilemma, idea, or in this case, dream. My current obsession is a white kitchen. Note that this has been an obsession for some time now. Five years ago I went so far as to paint the cabinets in our old house white. Turned out great! I would paint our cabinets white in this house too, but I'm having a hard time justifying covering already updated wood cabinets. Would it ruin them? Would it look cheap? I don't know.

This is my dream kitchen.

I love the watery blue walls, dark counter tops, dark hardwood floors, and of course, the white cabinets. I think the only thing I would change is the black hardware, I prefer a brushed nickle. I relax just looking at it! Until I get my dream white kitchen I'll just keep drulling over this one.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Whole New Vegas

Will and I spent last weekend in Las Vegas. A whole new Las Vegas. Prior to this trip, I'd only experienced the drinking till the wee hours and dancing till the shoes come off Vegas. This time was a lot different. I don't think I had a single drink while I was there, didn't gamble a dime, and stayed out of the clubs. But it was so much fun! We stayed at the Wynn Hotel and it was beautiful! Our suite was incredible, Five Diamond rated. The hotel had excellent restaurants where I definitely indulged! So delicious!

The second night we were there we saw Cirque Du Soleil Love at the Mirage. It was the best show I have ever seen.

I love Love! It blew me away. Highly recommend it if you find yourself in Vegas. The music was great, story was fun and the dancing/acrobatics were impressive. I would consider going back to see it again.

Overall, I had a fantastic weekend away. Will and I reconnected. I came home recharged and rested. This was definitely a successful vacation!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Part-Time It is

Yesterday I made a big decision. I've opted to start grad. school on a part-time basis. It's been weighing on me the last month or so and I'm so happy to have the stress lifted. It comes down to balance, and I think that I would have been sacrificing too much to get the program done in two years. My marriage and kids are too precious! While I'm not thrilled about four years of school, this is the direction I want to go and if it takes two years, four years, or longer, so-be-it. I'm so thankful for Will's support. He makes tough decisions a lot eaiser. Love him.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Girls' First Haircut

Needless to say, it's been a long time. A couple of updates before I get to today's main topic: 1. Accepted into grad. school, starting in the fall. 2. Girls turned 2 in March.
3. Great trip to the Bahamas with Will's work. 4. Taking Social Work (SWK) 1010 this semester. 5. And, of course, all of the little things, good and bad, that made up the majority of my life since last writing.

Moving right along...

The girls’ first haircut. A couple of days ago I finally decided it was time. Their bangs were hanging in their eyes, and the mullets were out of control shaggy. I tried taking them to a cute kid’s salon at the Orchard but the wait was too long so I opted to take them to Fantastik Cuts which is a mom and pop shop down the street from the house.

Sophie did really well! Embraced the cape, loved sitting in the race car seat and sat extremely still.

Sophie's First Haircut

Ava was not as settled about the whole experience. She was stoked about the car chair, however didn’t like the cape, and really didn’t like the cut. Thankfully, there were no tears, but she did end up finishing in my lap. Sadly, since I was by myself for this grandiose event, there are no photos during Ava’s first haircut.

As for the cut itself? As someone who has always hated when store owners mess with the spelling of words in effort to up the cute factor, i.e., "Kountry Kitchen," I should have known better than to take the girls to Fantastik Cuts. While the girls will always be adorable in my eyes, their resemblance to Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber is a little too close for my personal taste. You be the judge:

Sophie (L), Ava (R)

The day of the cut there were several occasions when I’d look at the girls and laugh out loud. All and all, a good experience, but maybe next time I’ll wait it out at the other place!