Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Step 1

In effort to "find myself" I enrolled in some continuing ed. classes at the junior college near my house. My first class was last night, Interior Design 1: Lighting. My husband got home from work early and I was off. Quick detour to the Wendy's drive thru...I NEVER ate fast food before I had kids...and off to school I went. I was giddy walking from my car to class. I couldn't contain my smile as I passed the other students in the hall, in fact, I was actually laughing.

Unfortunately, my class ended up only being so-so. I was expecting my teacher to be young, and well dressed with amazing accessories. She was more like Rose from the "Golden Girls". Old, awful suit, and the icing on the cake, she walked with a cane. Though very charming, she wasn't exactly what I had in mind. She spent far too much time on definitions and far too little time on, "a floor lamp would look really cute here..." I did learn that manufacturers now make CFL light bulbs that put out better light than the incandescents I have throughout my house. That will surely help my $250 Xcel bill, but won't do much for the overall look of my home. Oh well. Next week: Art and Accessories.

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