Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Colorado and De-stressed

No stress here.
Before I get started, forgive me if I repeat anything from yesterday's post today because I wrote "Stressed" such a long time ago I don't have a clue what I actually said. Ooops.

My last post was about stress and right now I'm feeling anything but.  I've been in Colorado at the 'rents' house (did anyone else read Seventeen...if not, I'm REALLY sorry about that reference. It's bad). Anyway, we've been here for two weeks and I am in full blown Colorado summer mode. Man, I love June in this state! We've been doing everything Colorado, especially Boulder, since my parents are still here. Pearl St., hiking at Chataqua, Scott Carpenter Park, Boulder Creek, Moe's, Efrain's, boat rides at the res, the list goes on and on. Will was able to come out for the first week and only worked ONE day...major victory around here...so we were able to get some much needed family time in. He's since gone home and the girls and I have been solo. A little weird at first, I missed him a lot, but now I'm in the swing of it and we're having a blast.

"Izzie Park." We bring an Izzie every time we
go. Don't even know the park's real name.

In other news, the house STILL has not sold which was the source of much of my stress and what inspired this trip to Colorado in the first place. I couldn't handle another showing, keeping a house clean-like perfect clean-with kids and a dog is near impossible. So we decided to jump ship and fly west. 
I think our house is finally priced right, our first realtor was not doing us any favors in that department. Our first realtor wasn't really doing us any favors actually. In fact, it got pretty ugly there for a while. Now we've got the right realtor, the right price and hopefully the right buyer is writing their offer now! Hey, a little positive thinking never hurt anybody! This will all shake out soon. Wishing I had a crystal ball because I'd love to know what's going to happen here. Not worrying about it anymore though and couldn't be happier than to be spending some time in CO so it's aaalllll good.

Soph at Sunflower Farm in Longmont.
Overall, things are turning up. Not sure how many of you follow me on FB or we are still in touch but a few months ago I found out that I not only owed $3800 for a semester of grad. school that I didn't attend but I'd also received all "F"s for those classes, that I again, never attended. I'd registered for classes prior to finding out about the move to FL and failed to officially withdraw from the university. I accept responsibility for the mistake, but it truly was on oversight. While I'll never get the money back...lesson learned, and an expensive one at that...I was able to appeal the grades and was notified last week that my "F"s were reversed and will no longer count toward my GPA. All of a sudden transferring into UCF to finish my master's is looking possible again. Holler!

Needless to say, the stress level around here is way down. I've got some other REALLY exciting news that I'll share soon (NO, I'M NOT PREGNANT). I'm still in that giddy, nervous stage, but the ball is rolling and I couldn't be happier. Can't wait to tell you all about it so check back in!

Sunday, June 22, 2014


So, I wrote this a month ago, but never posted because the version of internet explorer I have apparently is no longer compatible with blogger, further adding to my stress. Posting now even though a lot has happened...and I guess a lot is still the same...since. Enjoy.

I'm feeling stressed. I'm feeling anxious. And, well, it kinda sucks! This whole selling a house thing in the traditional way is hard. We were so lucky when we left CO as our house went under contract before even listing it. My brother is a realtor and one of his coworkers had buyers, they looked at it and that was that. It was SO easy!

Our current house has been on the market a little over three weeks now and nothing. Lots of positive feedback about the décor which at first, I have to admit, flattered me. Now, not so much. Décor doesn't come with the house, people!!!  I'm not confident in our choice of realtor either. Actually just got done sending the oh-so-uncomfortable email which outlined our concerns about her ability to get our house sold. Never fun.

It's also sinking in that the neighborhood we'd like to buy is so competitive that sellers laugh at offers with contingencies. Which is fine, I don't want to get into the situation where we'd be carrying two mortgages anyway. But, this increases the urgency to get this place SOLD! Not to mention, keeping the house clean with two small children is next to impossible. I take that back, it's totally possible, we're doing it, but not without some tantrums and meltdowns along the way (and I'm not just talking the kids here!). I feel like Annette Benning in American Beauty when she was manically vacuuming before the open house.

To add insult to injury our pipes backed up the other day and the downstairs bathroom flooded. Why do those things only happen after hours???!!! It didn't end up being that big of a deal. I definitely got some grays and Will has less hair than before but we were cleaned up for showings the next day.

Have I ever told you about the artichoke hearts I LOVE from Costco? They're in this oily, seasoned marinade that is SO good. I know, doesn't seem relevant, but stick with me. I was taking the girls to the park after school yesterday and for the first time in a long time, dared to make food in my own house. If you've had a home on the market I know you can identify with this...do I mess up the kitchen and save the $20 to go out to lunch or just go out?? Anyway, I'm grabbing the bread from the fridge and in the process knocked the jar of artichokes out which then shattered on the floor below. Out came the oily goodness all over the fridge, all over the floor and all over my feet. Awesome. I didn't have plans for the next 30 minutes, but I'd rather have done nothing than clean that mess up. Still finding glass shards everywhere.

I guess the moral of this story is that I'm stressed. I just wish our house would sell and sell FAST. So, please, send me some selling vibes! We need it.