Saturday, January 4, 2014

Essential Oils-For All That Have Asked

Okay, I’m apologizing in advance because this is going to be a long one. I have received a TON of interest in the Young Living oils that I’ve been posting about for the last couple of months on Facebook. The essential oils really have helped my family and me in a lot of different ways (I’ll share more about that in just a sec). I’ve been reluctant to share too much about my oil use as they seem a little “out there.” I know I’m from Boulder and all, but anyone who knows me will agree that I’m NOT a hippie! I do believe in western medicine and, frankly, would be dead without it…hello diabetes! That being said, I want to live a cleaner, healthier life and the oils have been a step in the right direction.

So before you read any further, here is my disclaimer:

I am a distributor of these oils. Phew (or as Ava would say, Pueff)…it’s out. Not sure I should throw that out there now because all of a sudden it seems like I’m trying to sell you on the oils. Here’s the deal, I’m not. I’m not trying to sell you anything, I’m simply telling my story for the MANY of you who have asked. So keep reading, I promise there is no sales pitch! My goal with this is to simply pay for the oils I use each month. I love them and use them, so why not??!!??!!

Anyway, here is my story. About nine months ago I was trying to juggle grad. school, raising babies (well toddlers, I guess) and a husband who was traveling a lot for work. Most days by about 2:00 I was feeling completely overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. I was struggling, but didn’t know what else I could do. This is when a friend of mine suggested I try using essential oils. I was seriously skeptical at first…you want me to do what with those oils? So I did some research and everything checked out.

I have to be completely honest, I did not get hooked right away. Not because the oils didn’t work, they did, but because Will and I found out a couple of weeks later that we were moving cross country and I became completely consumed with our relocation. I stashed my Young Living stuff into a box, not to be seen again until arriving in FL.

As you can imagine once we got here, as with any move, life was chaotic. Both the girls and I were stressed and it showed. Specifically, the girls decided that sleep was highly overrated and that 7:30 bedtime Mom and Dad we’re trying to enforce wasn’t happenin’! I battled them for several weeks before my dear friend stepped in and said, how ‘bout them oils. Okay, she really doesn’t talk like a cowboy, but you get the picture. So, here’s how it went.

First 20 (or so) nights in FL without oils: Girls 20, Mom 0.

Night 21 in FL with oils (specifically lavender and peace and calming): Girls 20, Mom 1. Assuming this was a fluke I was still skeptical.

Night 22: Girls 20, Mom 2.

Nights 23-however long we’ve been here, um, let’s just say Mom’s winning again!

Goes without saying, I’m a believer. Now anytime something comes up in our house I check to see what oil I can use before heading to the medicine cabinet.

Here’s what we use regularly:

Peppermint for headaches.

Lavender and peace and calming on the little ones at bedtime.

Stress Away to de-stress (obviously) valor to calm anxiety. And my favorite one of all, THIEVES!!!! My kids still haven’t gotten sick this year. HAVE. NOT. GOTTEN. SICK. I know I’m going to jinx this if I keep talking about it, but I have to share because it really sucks when your kids are sick. I also diffuse a lot. Lemon and peppermint, thieves and purification, the list goes on and on.

Okay, time to wrap it up. This is my story of essential oils. Thank you for reading this ridiculously long post and I hope that this answers some questions for those of you who reached out!