Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Girls' First Haircut

Needless to say, it's been a long time. A couple of updates before I get to today's main topic: 1. Accepted into grad. school, starting in the fall. 2. Girls turned 2 in March.
3. Great trip to the Bahamas with Will's work. 4. Taking Social Work (SWK) 1010 this semester. 5. And, of course, all of the little things, good and bad, that made up the majority of my life since last writing.

Moving right along...

The girls’ first haircut. A couple of days ago I finally decided it was time. Their bangs were hanging in their eyes, and the mullets were out of control shaggy. I tried taking them to a cute kid’s salon at the Orchard but the wait was too long so I opted to take them to Fantastik Cuts which is a mom and pop shop down the street from the house.

Sophie did really well! Embraced the cape, loved sitting in the race car seat and sat extremely still.

Sophie's First Haircut

Ava was not as settled about the whole experience. She was stoked about the car chair, however didn’t like the cape, and really didn’t like the cut. Thankfully, there were no tears, but she did end up finishing in my lap. Sadly, since I was by myself for this grandiose event, there are no photos during Ava’s first haircut.

As for the cut itself? As someone who has always hated when store owners mess with the spelling of words in effort to up the cute factor, i.e., "Kountry Kitchen," I should have known better than to take the girls to Fantastik Cuts. While the girls will always be adorable in my eyes, their resemblance to Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber is a little too close for my personal taste. You be the judge:

Sophie (L), Ava (R)

The day of the cut there were several occasions when I’d look at the girls and laugh out loud. All and all, a good experience, but maybe next time I’ll wait it out at the other place!